Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind...

Now that may not make any sense right now but it will in a moment. I used to always want to be rich (well doesn't everybody) but no matter what...i just couldn't figure out how! So i would try to make plans, ask my parents for allowance, start my own business! But nothing really worked out. So i went to my mom about it and she told me to read this book called "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. So at first i was a little skeptical 'cause well...the book was for adults! But my mom really wanted me to read it so...i did. And well i have learned some stuff and so far i have more of a plan of what i am going to make other than what i want to make. So that's i have been reading that and hoping that i will soon be RICH!! But you know what I've never heard of that this book talks blueprints!! And the author always says "You need to change your financial blueprint" which basically means change the way you think about money. So the book is good and i would probably recommend this for anyone (who can read) but if you do take my advice and read...please don't get mad at me if you don't like it...everybody has their on opinion.

Well that's it for now...

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