Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It seems like forever since I made a blog! I try to make them everyday but...LIFE gets in the way...I don't have much time! Wow...and I'm not even that old yet haha!

So anyway my mom opened a dance studio like...a few weeks ago...I think...um I don't remember but we have 5 people in our class now! Awesome right! And guess what...we met an Olympic runner! She ran in the Olympics last year and she's training in Dallas now! But she signed up for our class and then she found out she had to train and stuff...but still...we met an Olympic runner! Ya know, the ones on TV!! I'm still going crazy about that! Wow!

And also...I need some followers...i mean...my mom is following me...but she would probably read them anyway and well...you know what i mean...yeah. No one is actually reading my blogs anyway :(

Oh and I'm am going to work with one of my friends so we can sing a song at the July production "Dance Out Loud" for my mom's studio...and look at this when you can http://www.sdaacademy.com that's the website for my mom's studio.

So I haven't really been that busy like with new things and stuff, I mean, have been doing things but nothing exciting, just the same.

Okay...I hope I'm not boring...maybe I am...maybe I'm not...maybe that's why I have no followers...never mind...i don't know. Ooh somebody who isn't boring is "Vinyl Rocks my World" check her out sometime...I am following her right now...she's actually the only one who makes blogs as much as she can!

Wow... i keep saying that word...wow...so i guess I will stop so...


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