Saturday, February 21, 2009

Randomly RANDOM!! LOL

Wuzzap!!! LOL! Just kiddin'! But's it goin'? Good? GREAT! I haven't really been up to a lot...but i think I'm just gonna talk and say whatever comes to mind. mom and i are working on this dance to the song "Never Would Have Made It" and an Israel & New Breed Song...we are making it for these teens and some younger kids. It's for this event, i think for, Black History Month. So i think it's going to be exciting!

Also...i have been working on my singing...i guess it has gotten a little better...but...i still have a LOT of work to do.

I am working on choreographing a Hip Hop dance...but the problem is...i don't know what song i want to do! I think i want to do "God in Me" by Mary Mary. And BTW...I really like their new CD! Even though i haven't thoroughly listened to it, i still like the ones I've listened to so far. My favorites are: God in Me, Superfriend, Seattle, Boom...and i think that's it so far.

I also want to join the youth choir at my church...even though I'm not completely certain there is one. But i guess i won't know until i ask.

I have been working on sign language! Oh and i just love it! It is so...INTERESTING! How you speak with your hands! But i have a do deaf people think? I mean if they have never heard someone talk in their life then how do they think...thoughts? I may research that one day. But really though, when people who can hear think, they think in words, sentences...and other stuff like that, so how do people who are deaf think in there head without thinking words? hm...something to think about.

I have also been working on Lexi (my guitar)! Playing the guitar is harder than it looks though! But I just have to get practice n' stuff...and it REALLY needs to be tuned! I sounds to ...dingy...if you know what i mean. Like the strings don't sound right, they sound to...i don't know...they just don't sound right.

Oh yeah! I got this Cheetah Girls book from the library but the girls in the book talked "hip hop" language! So at the end it had the definitions to the different phrases and stuff they used throughout the book! So when i talked to my BFF Taylor and i started using some of the phrases and she was like "This is America...can we speak English PLEASE!" LOL! But sometimes she uses some of those phrases n' stuff to make me laugh, and trust me...she does!

I also got this poetry's called "Hip Hop speaks to children" i love it! I mean, i know some of the poetry may not make as much sense, but it's still interesting (i know i use that word a lot). My friend says i do a good job saying them. Let's's one of my favorite ones

"For Word" by Benjamin Zephaniah

Thank you for the words i read
Thank you for the words i need
Thank you for words so great
Thanks for words that raise debate,
Thanks for the words on my bookshelf
Thanx for the works i make myself
Thank you for the for the words that make me cry
And the words that leave me feeling dry

Thanks for the words that do inspire
And those that burn like fire
Thanks for all the words i note
Thank you for the words i quote
I thank you for the words like me
Thanks for the words that set me free
And I thank you for the words like you
I always need a word or two

Thanks for the words that make things plain
And the words that help me explain
Thanks for the words that make life fun
And the words that help me overcome
Thanks for the words that make me rap
Thanks for the words that make me clap
Thanks for the words that make me smile
Thanks for the words with grace and style

Thanks for all the words that sing
Thanks for words are everything
Thanks for all the words like this
And little sloppy words like kiss
Thanks for words like hip-hooray
And those cool words i like to say
Thanks for words that reach and touch
Thank you very, very much.

Wasn't that pretty cool!

Okay i made this one EXTRA long but...that's how i talk to people...i could go on and on and on and ON!

But for you guys...I'll stop


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